Deeper & Higher - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Brother Joel shares lessons with us from the sixth beatitude, encouraging us to pursue purity. Listen as he takes us through the process to purity and the promise that lies at the end.
Discipling Others: Leadership
This week, Brother Joel shares with us on the topic of leadership.
Discipleship & Service
As disciples of Christ, we ought to serve one another with care and love. How did the apostles handle the complaints from within the body of Christ regarding the lack of adequate and fair support to a group of widows? What can we learn from the apostles response and handling of the matter? This week, brother Joel shares with us the importance of adopting a NEW mindset in our service towards God and his people.
Discipleship & Prayer
As Christians, prayer is our access to God. However, have you found yourself in a place where you prayed, but nothing happens? Do you sometimes find yourself confronting doubts about the power of prayer? This week, brother Joel shares with us about how prayer is our direct access to God, and how it is about ultimately drawing closer to God!
Breaking The Barriers To Belief
Have you ever tried sharing the Good News but felt stuck? Do you find yourself losing hope in the fight to win your family and friends to Christ? This week brother Joel shares with us how we can overcome these barriers to belief!
The Strength of Sacrifice
Bill Hybels said “Sometimes, authenticity fails to grab people’s attention; Compassion is occasionally written off as the opiate of do-gooders who may have some ulterior motive. But sacrifice motivated by genuine love and concern, is extremely difficult to discount.”
As we continue this week on the series of evangelism, God is challenging us to look into making the biggest sacrifice of modelling the Christian lifestyle for the long haul. Click the link to listen now!