Let's Go Fishing
On the Covenant Service this year, Rev Darren shares with us the mission statement for the church in 2019 and beyond. Tune in and get in sync!
Open Doors
When God closed a door, He opens another! However we tend to stare so long that we miss seeing the open door. What do we do when we come across an open door? This week, we begin ASE Missions Month sermon series titled, Open Doors.
Cornelius Conversion
This week, Linnette shares with us about the conversion of Cornelius, and what it means for us, if we are to live as an Acts Church.
The Conversion of Saul
This week, we continue with part 4 of the series titled "The Acts Church". Click the link to listen now!
Gospel To The Gentiles
This week, we continue with part 3 of the series titled "The Acts Church". Click the link to listen now!
Phillip's Mission In Samaria
Phillip's missionary journeys are well documented. What can we learn from them? Join us this week as Pastor Mabel brings us on a journey to uncover three important lessons. This is the second of a six part sermon series titled: The Acts Church.