Continuing on our 2022 series on ‘Equipping the Saints’, Rev Darren kickstarts this new series of ‘Lessons in Leadership’, through the book of Nehemiah and exploring the first characteristics of a Godly leader - A Concerned Leader. - Nehemiah :1:1-4.
Youth Day | Rooted in a Multi-Generation Community
Family Day | The Choice is the Serve the Lord
Father's Day | Like a Father and a Son
Facing Disaster and Being Magnanimous
Be Alert! Sin is Lurking
Sin lurks in the dark and whispers sweet nothings to entice us from ideation into fulfilment of the lust of life. Never say “not me” for your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8) - as we witness the fall of David from that one moment of impulse in 2 Samuel 11.