Baptism & Thanksgiving Service | Walking in a Worthy Manner
Together with a throwback in thanksgiving to all that the Lord has done for our church in 2022, and welcoming 3 new additions to our family, Rev Darren ushers in our new sermon series for 2023 - “Walking in a Manner Worthy of the Calling”. - Ephesians 4:1-6 | Walking in a Worthy Manner #1
Baptism Service | Chance to Change
Salvation through Christ Jesus is a free gift from God, the Holy Spirit is a promised gift when we are baptized, and change is a choice we have to make enabled by the Helper in us..- Matthew 3:13-17
Teacher's Day | Like A Tree
A refreshing sermon by Ds June Tan as she reveals the relevance of a Moreh tree and a teacher, with a touch of lightness as she recounts tales of the old with a touch of lightness and oodles of truth.. - Deuteronomy 11:26-30
Youth Day | Rooted in a Multi-Generation Community
‘Rooted in’ is being formed, made or developed by using (something) as a basis. Ps Wei Kai exalts and explores PRAISE from Psalms 145:1-7 as the crucial basis of being rooted in a multi-generation community.
Family Day | The Choice is the Serve the Lord
Consider your choice to serve the Lord as Rev Brandon Loy reiterates this fundamental truth and importance through the exemplary example of Joshua’s declaration of, ‘But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.'. - Joshua 24:14-18
Father's Day | Like a Father and a Son
Honouring fathers through a relatable yet succinct sermon about the role of a father and the impact on a son through words and actions.