The Be-Attitudes
Rev Gilbert amplifies the importance of building a supportive community through the lens of the Be-Attitude - that fine line between being and doing. - Matthew 5:3-10 | Missions #4: Mental Health
Baptism Service | Chance to Change
Salvation through Christ Jesus is a free gift from God, the Holy Spirit is a promised gift when we are baptized, and change is a choice we have to make enabled by the Helper in us..- Matthew 3:13-17
Father's Day | Like a Father and a Son
Honouring fathers through a relatable yet succinct sermon about the role of a father and the impact on a son through words and actions.
Commemorating Palm Sunday
We enter into Holy Week with Rev Gilbert bringing us into a time of purposeful reflection of Jesus’ humbleness as He trotted into Jerusalem on a donkey seated on his disciples clothes and defied common impression of royal grandeur befitting a King. - Luke 19:28-44
Candle Of Love
In this advent season, Rev Gilbert looks at 1 Corinthians 13, as he reminds of what love is in the bible and how Christmas is a season where love perfected is displayed.
Missions: Age to Age
Focusing on missions, Rev Gilbert shares with us some biblical perspectives on how we should approach ageing and how we too can reach out to the elderly.