Persevering For The Gospel
What keeps us going despite the ups and downs in life? This week, Revd Jeremy Ponniah shares with us how each and everyone of us need to feel a burden for the Gospel, and for salvation for many.
Be Alert, Be Watchful
The color of advent is purple. It represents repentance and also royalty. His first coming as the Lamb of God is to take away our sins, while His second coming as the Lion of Judah is to bring judgment to His rule and Kingdom. Scripture tells us that no one knows when Jesus is coming again, not even the angels know the hour. The question then is this, "What can hinder us from being ready?"
This week, Revd Jeremy shares with us the importance for us to be alert in our walk with God.
God's Great Compassion
This week, Pastor Jeremy shares with us about the compassion that God has on us. How do we extend this compassion that we have received, towards others who have not yet heard the Gospel? Pastor Jeremy shares with us today. Click the link to listen now!
Introduction To Jonah
Ever wondered whether the events in Jonah actually happened? Could a man survive being in a big fish for 3 days? Or was it a whale? Over the next 6 weeks, we will explore the Book of Jonah together. To many, the book of Jonah is a book of obedience. Yet, Pastor Jeremy suggest to us that there is a message hidden within this book; the theme of God's compassion. Listen now to find out more!
The One Thing I Must Do
This week, Rev Jeremy shares with us how pressing on towards the goal is the one thing we must do.