This Is Church – The Way Of Love
Looking at 1 Cor 13, Ps Joseph challenges us to begin living in the way of love.
This Is Church – Christian Liberty 1: Food Offered to Idols
Taking us into 1 Cor 8, Ps Joseph examines Paul’s teachings in discerning how to handle tricky social situations as a Christian, exploring what it means to use our knowledge in love.
This Is Church (1 Cor) — Grievances
Moving into 1 Corinthians 6, Paul counsels the Corinthian Church as to how Christians ought to deal with grievances.
This Is Church (1 Corinthians) — Power Struggle: Yes To Spiritual Wisdom
This week, Pastor Joseph Soh preaches on what spiritual wisdom is for us as mentioned in 1 Corinthians, how it is relevant both to us and to the unbelieving world, and shares testimonies of the leading of the Holy Spirit’s wisdom among our members and in the community.
This Is Church (1 Corinthians) — Power Struggle: No To Worldly Wisdom
Continuing our study of 1 Corinthians, hear Pastor Joseph Soh preach on what it means to have lives ordered by godly wisdom rather than earthly wisdom, for us and for the Corinthian church.
The Spirit-Filled Life — The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit works in each one of us, changing our minds, hearts, and behaviours to glorify Him. Learn about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit as Pastor Joseph Soh continues our series, “The Spirit-Filled Life”.