Conference 2021 — The Radiant Community of the Spirit
To close our conference on the Holy Spirit this year, Bishop Rennis Ponniah ends on what it means for us as a church to be a radiant community of the Spirit, and how we should live our lives in community and personally, that the church might shine the light of Christ.
Conference 2021 — The Continuous Filling of the Spirit
Listen to Bishop Rennis Ponniah preach on what it means to be continuously filled with the Spirit, and how we as believers of Christ can live out a life that walks in step with the Spirit.
Conference 2021 — The Unmistakable Filling of the Spirit
Continuing in our conference on the Holy Spirit this year, listen as Bishop Rennis Ponniah shares about what the filling of the Holy Spirit in a Christian believer's life looks like, and addresses questions regarding the filling of the Holy Spirit.
Conference 2021 — The Indispensable Gift of the Spirit
To open this year's conference on the Holy Spirit, hear Bishop Rennis Ponniah preach about the indispensable gift of the Spirit to us as Christians, and to the mission of the church.
The Spirit-Filled Life — Freedom Limited By Love
As Christians filled by the Holy Spirit, how do we live the life of freedom that God has called us into? How should we align our lives to follow His righteousness? Hear Reverend Gilbert Wong teach on what it mean to live a life of freedom with limits in our series, “The Spirit-Filled Life”.
The Spirit-Filled Life — The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit works in each one of us, changing our minds, hearts, and behaviours to glorify Him. Learn about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit as Pastor Joseph Soh continues our series, “The Spirit-Filled Life”.