Look To The Harvest
We begin missions month with an important message from Rev Darren Choo about why we need to do missions. Yet, in an honest assessment, we realise that many of us may not be doing what we were commissioned to do. He shares with us what we can actually do to turn that around.
Click the link to listen now!
Reaching Out In Every Way
This week, Rev Lewis Lew shares with us about reaching out in every way! Click the link to listen now!
* Both Saturday and Sunday recordings are available.
Reaching Out In Obedience
This week, Ms Clara Won shares with us what it means to reach out in obedience to the Lord! Click here to listen to her sharing!
*Saturday and Sunday recordings available.
Reaching Out In Love
Today, we are honoured to have Rev Yee Ching Wah come and share with us about why reaching out in love is so important, and how we can do this. He shares with us, from experience, and from the Bible account of the Samaritan woman, about how we can cross barriers which we face, when reaching out in love.
Let us all be willing to be used by the Lord, and reach out to people around us in love!
Click the link to listen now!
Reaching Out In Love
Today, we are happy and honoured to have Pastor Timothy Chow, from Chapel of Christ our King, share with us a challenging yet impactful word on the need for us to reach out in love. He shares about the 3 characteristics of a person who is willing to be used by the Lord. Let us all be inspired, and encouraged to bring our 5 loaves and 2 fishes to accomplish God's work on earth through All Saints' Church!
Click the link to listen now!
People Need The Lord
This week, we begin our Missions Month! Sister Yee Peng takes the pulpit to share with us about why we do missions, and the urgency behind it. Missions, is for everyone! Click the link to listen now!