TOCC - Simeon & Anna
Ps Mabel continues our series on “The Other Christmas Characters” as we look into the life of Simeon and Anna. As we ponder this one not so ordinary day, let us reflect on the two divine appointments which took place that brought about a three-fold blessing.
TOCC - King Herod
Ps Joseph continues our series on “The Other Christmas Characters” by taking a look at King Herod’s involvement in the Christmas story. Take a listen as we explore on the actions of King Herod and explore how we respond to the word of God. In times of doubt, remember that the Lord has promised that if we seek Him with all our hearts, He will be found!
TOCC - The Innkeeper
As we start our December Sermon Series, Revd Darren picks out lessons we can learn from the life of the Innkeeper. Join us as we reflect on the missed opportunity that the Innkeeper had to witness the birth of Christ, but yet rejoice in the fact that miracle of Bethlehem is still happening today.