Love: Admonish One Another
We continue on the importance of the value of love in a community by learning the importance of admonishing and taking responsibility in personal growth and the growth of others through constructive criticism.
Love: Love One Another
We continue on the importance of the value of love in a community by learning the importance of loving and caring for each other through God.
Love: Serve One Another
We continue our series on walking in a worthy manner with the value of love in a community. We come together to learn about the importance of serving one another within a tight knitted community.
Ressurection Sunday: Freedom & Liberty
As we come to the end of Holy Week 2023, we invite guest speaker Revd. Timothy Ewing Chow to speak of the pain and suffering Jesus bared for the sake of humanity, Jesus’ resurrection and as a result the Freedom and Liberty humanity now has as a result of God’s Grace and Mercy.
Good Friday: Debt
Continuing on Holy Week 2023, we embark on a Good Friday Service seeking to learn and understand about the debt Jesus paid for the sake of humankind more than 2000 years ago.
Palm Sunday Service: Divided
As we begin with Holy Week, we begin with Palm Sunday, a reminder of Jesus' triumphant return in Jerusalem.