Despite us knowing that prayer is important, it somehow seems to still be lacking in our lives. Prayer is only taken as a last resort. Rev Darren shares with us how we can turn this around, and why prayer is so important.
Discipling Others: Teach, Proclaim, Defend
Discipling Others: Beware of False Teachings
In these end times, the Bible warns us that there will be false teachings, and we need to be on our guard. What are some of these false teachings? And how do we discern between right and wrong? Carl (Saturday) and Pastor Darren (Sunday) teaches us this week.
*Note: This sermon upload is from Sunday service.
Discipling Others: Bearing One Another's Burdens
Our Father's Business II
Our Father's Business
The church has many businesses, like childcare, marriage counselling, but what is our core business? It is discipleship.
We think of all kinds of ways and events to bring people into the church before beginning the process of discipleship, but in the Acts church, the church grew as a result of discipleship that they were already doing regularly in the marketplaces. How did they develop such a lifestyle?
This week, our guest speaker, Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu, from One New Man Asia, brings to us this important and passionate message on the need to be invested into our Father's Business.